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Our Quality Policy

Quality is the backbone of our actions

  • Every employee stands for quality in his or her area of responsibility.
  • There is no one who is not involved in quality.
  • Quality is a technique and a state of mind.

Our mission

PLEUGER is a leading manufacturer of submersible borehole pumps and quality is a central part of our daily business. Only satisfied customers will continue to buy our products and use our services. Therefore, our goal is to achieve a high level of quality in all areas.

Employee orientation: Our employees and their interaction are the basis of our success. We constantly maintain and develop their knowledge.

Customer orientation: For the satisfaction of our customers, products and services must meet the requirements of our customers.

Leadership culture: We cultivate an appreciative leadership culture. Our employees should feel that their contribution to the company is valued.

Supplier relationship: The quality of our products depends on the successful and sustainable cooperation with our suppliers.

Targets & key figures: The company’s goals are expressed in key figures such as customer satisfaction, delivery reliability and quality grade.

Error prevention: Our goal is to identify and eliminate potential errors before they actually occur.

Continuous improvement: We achieve the goals of our management system through continuous assessment and improvement of our daily activities.

Stakeholder analysis

The fulfilment of our stakeholders’ expectations ensures our joint success in the long term. In the PLEUGER stakeholder analysis, we correlate the influences, connections and dependencies between all stakeholders and the PLEUGER company.

Process orientation

We use the control and continuous improvement of processes and the QMS by applying the PDCA cycle:

Plan: setting objectives of the system and sub-processes and determining resources needed to achieve results in accordance with customer requirements and the organisation’s policies, as well as identifying and addressing risks and opportunities.

Implement: Implementing what has been planned

Check: Monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and report results.

Act: Take action to improve performance where necessary